A nice Jewish born girl's satirical look at the life and times of Benjamin Netanyahu Netay Mileikowsky, primemonster of Israel. This blog intends to keep the record straight on this slimeytoad who has done much to besmirch the repuation of Judaism and true Torah Jews, and who daily sends the terorrorist IOF to commit war crimes such as the ethnic cleansing and collective punishment of the Palestinian people. I remind Netenyahu/Mileikowsky and those who reads this blog "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood".
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights) it is Netenyahu/Mileikowsky complete disregard for this most important of all UN statements that has prompted me to write this blog.

Friday 4 November 2011


Would some one sack this dammned woman she cant do maths and she cant lie straight .Why cant I find good employees anymore???????

And why is she using the word provocatilla  she sounds like she is touting for buisness at a whore house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday 20 October 2011

Where's Bibi with Bibi!!!!!!

In honour of the return of Gilad Shalit an important announcement from the Primemonster of Izrael.              
                            Time to play:  "Where's Bibi with Bibi"

                        Most effective played to the tune of "Where's Wally!!"                  (Wallace and Grommit are  ashamed to be caught up in this production.)

Monday 26 September 2011

'We won't renew settlement freeze to lure PA to talks


Netanyahu tells 'Post' new moratorium won't be declared to get Palestinians to agree to Quartet's formula for talks, dismisses criticism his UN speech gave no hope, saying hope can't be built on lies.
(What Bibi is really saying : "We will continue breaking international law, by building illegal settlements)
Israel will not declare a new settlement freeze to get the Palestinians to agree to the Quartet's formula for a renewal of talks, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told The Jerusalem Post on Monday.
Netanyahu was referring to the 10-month settlement freeze he initiated in November 2008 that did not succeed in inciting the Palestinians back to talks.
(The so called settlement freeze, building and planing went on anyway) 
Netanyahu, in a Rosh Hashana interview with the Post just hours after returning from his five-day trip to the US where he battled against the Palestinian statehood bid at the UN..
(Battle???He gave a pathetic speech, in his usual whining tone, that was lukewarmly received)
"It is a pretext they use again and again, but I think a lot of people see it as a ruse to avoid direct negotiations," he said.
(No Bibi. Israel's continued Settlement expansion is your ruse to avoid direct peace negotiations)
Netanyahu said he had no intention of intervening with Interior Ministry's District Planning Committee that is scheduled to meet Tuesday to discuss the construction of project of more than 700 housing units in Jerusalem's Gilo neighborhood, located over the Green Line, even though the Quartet – in its statement Friday – called on "the parties to refrain from provocative actions if negotiations are to be effective," a veiled reference to construction beyond the 1967 lines.

Sunday 25 September 2011

Bibi Spits the Dummy

Netanyahu expresses 'disappointment' with Abbas' UN speech: Bibi Spits the Dummy!!!

In an interview with NBC's 'Meet the Press', Netanyahu talks about Mahmoud Abbas' consistent refusal to 'accept Israel's existence', the 'insatiable crocodile' of Islamism, and America's continual support for Israel.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed his “disappointment” on Sunday with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ speech to the UN General Assembly, during an interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press”.
(His disappointment more than likely stems from the Fact that Abass's speech received enthusiatic applause, while his all to familiar whining received a polite clap)
Netanyahu, stated both that he was “trying to move forward” .., and that the “core of the conflict” lies with the Palestinians’ persistent “refusal to accept Israel’s existence.” ( Conveniently forgetting that Palestine had recognised Israel almost 20 years ago.)
When asked about threats facing Israel, Netanyahu answered that he is responsible for the “fate of the one and only Jewish state", and he seeks to "erect the wall against insatiable crocodile of Islamism, before it devours us for breakfast.” (The man's a Thespian and deserves a career in Hollywood for this last line alone) 

Saturday 24 September 2011

At 28 he called himself Ben Nitay

True Colors Shining Through: Or Trouble in the Ranks


Unfortunately the staff of the Israeli National News did not learn, when they snuck under their parents beds to read the Stalag comics hidden there. Mileikowsky is actually wearing a Wehrmact officers cap... not an SS one.A subtle but important difference. But even more scandalous than bad editing, was some of the chatback at the bottom of the article...

or maybe it was the  bloggers comparison of Prime Minister Mileikowsky to a drunk who has cruelly murdered a loved one, the most scandalous of all. In such a case, they ask their readers, "would you try to create a 'solution' or would you consider continuing to live with the same vile murderer?"Netanyahu is labeled "the main suspect" and the bloggers demand that he and his ministers be brought to a "field trial" and call on the public to take action in this direction.

The "Mileikowsky" Seal:The Netenyahu Seal, NOT!!!!!!!!!

The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) has announced the discovery of an Iron Age seal from the excavations in the Western Wall plaza.  This is the second of two seals previously reported and it reads "[belonging] to Netanyahu ben Yaush."  Both names are known from the Bible, but this particular person is not mentioned.  This seal was found a debris layer dating to the end of the Iron Age (c. 586 B.C.) underneath the "Eastern/Valley Cardo."  The area of the excavations is shown in the photo below.  More information about the discovery and a photo of the seal is available in the IAA press release (and repeated by Arutz-7).

Another impressive artifact that was found in the salvage excavations is a personal Hebrew seal made of a semi-precious stone that was apparently inlaid in a ring. The scarab-like seal is elliptical and measures c. 1.1 cm x 1.4 cm. The surface of the seal is divided into three strips separated by a double line: in the upper strip is a chain decoration in which there are four pomegranates and in the two bottom strips is the name of the owner of the seal, engraved in ancient Hebrew script. It reads: לנתניהו בן יאש ([belonging] to Netanyahu ben Yaush).
The two names are known in the treasury of biblical names: the name נתניהו (Netanyahu) is mentioned a number of times in the Bible (in the Book of Jeremiah and in Chronicles) and the name יאש (Yaush) appears in the Lachish letters. The name Yaush, like the name יאשיהו (Yoshiyahu) is, in the opinion of Professor Shmuel Ahituv, derived from the root או"ש which means “he gave a present” (based on Arabic and Ugaritic). It is customary to assume that the owners of personal seals were people that held senior governmental positions. It should nevertheless be emphasized that this combination of names - נתניהו בן יאוש (Netanyahu ben Yaush) – was unknown until now.

Current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has in his office what might charitably be described as a relic and uncharitably as a kind of political fetish. It is a 2000-year-old seal in ancient Hebrew bearing the name “Netanyahu.” Here's how Mr. Netanyahu described its political significance to the European Friends of Israel in February of this year:
Now people say, well, you don't really have an attachment to this land. We are new interlopers. We are neo-crusaders. If I could I would invite each of you into my office. You would see a display of antiquities from the Department of Antiquities. It's in a little stand like this. And from the place next to the Temple wall, the Western Wall, from around the time of the Jewish kings, they found a signet ring, a seal of a Jewish official from 2700 years ago, and it has a name on it in Hebrew. You know what that name is? Netanyahu. Now, that's my last name.

What he didn't mention is how, precisely, Netanyahu came to be his last name. His father was not born with it, nor were any other of his identifiable ancestors. His father was born Benzion Mileikowsky in Warsaw in 1910. The Prime Minister's grandfather, Nathan Mileikowsky, was an ardent Zionist who used the name "Netanyahu" as a pen name for political writing. Sometime after moving to British mandatory Palestine, Benzion abandoned the name Mileikowsky altogether in favor of Netanyahu. It was common practice among early Zionists to dispense with European and especially Yiddish names in favor of Hebrew ones.

(It's probably worth mentioning that Benzion X is not a run-of-the-mill Zionist, but one of the most extreme in the history of the movement. He has many times expressed the view that Arabs are by nature and by definition virtually subhuman, and can and should only be dealt with through extreme forms of force. He also adheres to a greater Israel movement which holds the present borders, including occupied territories, to be entirely unsatisfactory. He was unable to establish a viable political career in Israel because his views were considered beyond the limits of respectability even by the extreme right. So, the specific version of the nationalist political agenda actually being expressed in that act of changing the name Mileikowsky to Netanyahu isn't a normal form of nationalism or a normal form of Zionism, but a program of institutionalized racism and regional aggression of a particularly vicious variety. But, of course, the son is not the father.)
In the first stage, we are presented with the seal bearing the name Netanyahu, from 2000 years ago which confirms what no one denies: there was an ancient Hebrew culture, among many other communities, in this land. But it implicitly foregrounds and privileges that historical moment and that particular culture and community as opposed to all others that existed before, during and after that time.

In the second stage, it is pointed out that this name “Netanyahu” uncannily links some ancient official with the current prime minister. But the prime minister only bears that name because his father adopted it as a 20th-century political act based on 20th-century ideology and nationalism in what can only be described as an appropriation of the past. One could hardly posit a direct connection between a Mr. Mileikowsky of Warsaw and an ancient official called “Netanyahu” based on those two names

One has to wonder about the sanity of Mileikowsky and the honesty of the media and other assorted sycophants, who encourage him in this delusional obsession.