A nice Jewish born girl's satirical look at the life and times of Benjamin Netanyahu Netay Mileikowsky, primemonster of Israel. This blog intends to keep the record straight on this slimeytoad who has done much to besmirch the repuation of Judaism and true Torah Jews, and who daily sends the terorrorist IOF to commit war crimes such as the ethnic cleansing and collective punishment of the Palestinian people. I remind Netenyahu/Mileikowsky and those who reads this blog "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood".
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights) it is Netenyahu/Mileikowsky complete disregard for this most important of all UN statements that has prompted me to write this blog.

Monday 26 September 2011

'We won't renew settlement freeze to lure PA to talks


Netanyahu tells 'Post' new moratorium won't be declared to get Palestinians to agree to Quartet's formula for talks, dismisses criticism his UN speech gave no hope, saying hope can't be built on lies.
(What Bibi is really saying : "We will continue breaking international law, by building illegal settlements)
Israel will not declare a new settlement freeze to get the Palestinians to agree to the Quartet's formula for a renewal of talks, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told The Jerusalem Post on Monday.
Netanyahu was referring to the 10-month settlement freeze he initiated in November 2008 that did not succeed in inciting the Palestinians back to talks.
(The so called settlement freeze, building and planing went on anyway) 
Netanyahu, in a Rosh Hashana interview with the Post just hours after returning from his five-day trip to the US where he battled against the Palestinian statehood bid at the UN..
(Battle???He gave a pathetic speech, in his usual whining tone, that was lukewarmly received)
"It is a pretext they use again and again, but I think a lot of people see it as a ruse to avoid direct negotiations," he said.
(No Bibi. Israel's continued Settlement expansion is your ruse to avoid direct peace negotiations)
Netanyahu said he had no intention of intervening with Interior Ministry's District Planning Committee that is scheduled to meet Tuesday to discuss the construction of project of more than 700 housing units in Jerusalem's Gilo neighborhood, located over the Green Line, even though the Quartet – in its statement Friday – called on "the parties to refrain from provocative actions if negotiations are to be effective," a veiled reference to construction beyond the 1967 lines.

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