A nice Jewish born girl's satirical look at the life and times of Benjamin Netanyahu Netay Mileikowsky, primemonster of Israel. This blog intends to keep the record straight on this slimeytoad who has done much to besmirch the repuation of Judaism and true Torah Jews, and who daily sends the terorrorist IOF to commit war crimes such as the ethnic cleansing and collective punishment of the Palestinian people. I remind Netenyahu/Mileikowsky and those who reads this blog "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood".
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights) it is Netenyahu/Mileikowsky complete disregard for this most important of all UN statements that has prompted me to write this blog.

Sunday 25 September 2011

Bibi Spits the Dummy

Netanyahu expresses 'disappointment' with Abbas' UN speech: Bibi Spits the Dummy!!!

In an interview with NBC's 'Meet the Press', Netanyahu talks about Mahmoud Abbas' consistent refusal to 'accept Israel's existence', the 'insatiable crocodile' of Islamism, and America's continual support for Israel.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed his “disappointment” on Sunday with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ speech to the UN General Assembly, during an interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press”.
(His disappointment more than likely stems from the Fact that Abass's speech received enthusiatic applause, while his all to familiar whining received a polite clap)
Netanyahu, stated both that he was “trying to move forward” .., and that the “core of the conflict” lies with the Palestinians’ persistent “refusal to accept Israel’s existence.” ( Conveniently forgetting that Palestine had recognised Israel almost 20 years ago.)
When asked about threats facing Israel, Netanyahu answered that he is responsible for the “fate of the one and only Jewish state", and he seeks to "erect the wall against insatiable crocodile of Islamism, before it devours us for breakfast.” (The man's a Thespian and deserves a career in Hollywood for this last line alone) 

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