A nice Jewish born girl's satirical look at the life and times of Benjamin Netanyahu Netay Mileikowsky, primemonster of Israel. This blog intends to keep the record straight on this slimeytoad who has done much to besmirch the repuation of Judaism and true Torah Jews, and who daily sends the terorrorist IOF to commit war crimes such as the ethnic cleansing and collective punishment of the Palestinian people. I remind Netenyahu/Mileikowsky and those who reads this blog "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood".
(Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights) it is Netenyahu/Mileikowsky complete disregard for this most important of all UN statements that has prompted me to write this blog.

Saturday 24 September 2011

Benjamin Mileikowsky and his good friend Barry Soetoro (Obama)

Ah Bejaysus and Begorrah! Oi'll be swearin' boi the auld shrine to the Vorgin with the shamrocks growin' round it next to the hill where Cuchullain slew the Great Leprechaun of Kildare on St Patrick's Day that Barack Seamus O'Toole Flaherty Joyce O'Bama is the most Irish US president that ever set foot on the Emerald Oisle, so he is, so he is.
Except, when he's in Africa, of course, when he disappears into the dry ice and re-emerges with a grass skirt and a bone through his nose and declares himself to be Mandingo, Prince of the Bloodline of the Bonga People, Drinker of Cattle Urine, Father of A Thousand Warrior Sons, Keeper of King Solomon's Mines, Barehanded Slayer of Lions, Undaunted Victim of the Evil Colonial British Empire.
And in the Middle East, where he is Al-Barak Hussein Obama, Protector of the Holy Shrine, Smiter of the Kuffar, Lion of the Desert, Tent-Loving-Aficionado-of-the-Oversweetened-Coffee, Chomper of Sheeps' Eyeballs, Restorer of the Caliphate.

 His best mate Benjamin  Mileikowsky does this to his accent mutating from thick gutteral Israeli terrorist, to genteel Israeli primemonster at the knesset to Estuary to whinging whiner at the UN  – the better to persuade his target audience that he was their kind of guy. And it is, of course, the hallmark of an unutterable charlatan.
I've argued Benjamin Mileikowsky and Barack Obama have an awful lot in common. Both are snake-oil-salesman; both claim to be seeking peace, and  both play the acceptable, moderate-seeming public face of a regime chock full of class warriors, single issue rabble rousers, malcontents, and zioterrorists hell bent on destroying every last vestige of what is Palestine. And both do  the things dodgy political leaders always do when the going gets tough at home and in the UN
Barry Soertoro aka Obama appears to be under the impression that Mileikowsky aka Netenyahu is a great guy because he said nice things about the Hillary. Did it really not occur to thatZionist loving fool  that there might have been a hint of an ulterior motive here?Mileikowsky  can't stand the USA (his wife likes us even less): he made that clear enough when he said he was "above" USA politics. He blames the USA for what happened in the UN when Abbas got far much more applause, and a standing ovation to boot, then he got never mind the lack of a standing ovation.. He doesn't believe in the Special Relationship.
Mileikowsky aka Netenyahu is just doing now what all bullies and losers start doing when they realise how unpopular they are and that everyone is abandoning them. They suck up to anybody and everybody. They whore themselves piteously before enemies they once considered beneath their contempt. Fain will they fill their bellies with husks that swine eat – but which no man will give them: and serve them jolly well right, too!
By all means let us enjoy watching Mileikowsky smarm and grovel and ingratiate himself like some presidential Uriah Heep. But for heaven's sake let us never give him the benefit of the doubt. He's a cold fish and would certainly never show any mercy towards us were the roles to be reversed.

( Plagerised with much love to  James Delingpole who worte the original article so well http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/jamesdelingpole/100088971/obama-oh-puh-lease/)

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